
Duration: 45 hours

This module will teach about fascia: The fibrous and connective tissues that are part of a body wide tensional force transmitting system or network, that adapts its fibrous arrangement and density according the local tensional demand, creating the unity between the parietal, visceral and cranio- sacral system and therefore is considered the foundation of the osteopathy. 

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What will I learn?

You will learn about the development and numerous functions of fascia, its cellular and extra- cellular matrix, the enteroception and the actual scientific considerations, the importance of the “bowstring” and the “central tendon” in the posturology of the horse and for disorders in the parietal , visceral and cranio- sacral systems, as well as osteopathic options for interacting with this system.
The osteopathic relevance of the autonomic integration in general, and in specific the autonomic nervous system, the efferent pathway, and the fysiology of the autonomic integration from the osteopathic perspective in relation to the osteopathic disorder.
Introduction to the examination and normalizing technics for the art. sacro-iliacalea, and ilio-sacralea.

" Teaching hands and opening minds, one student at a time"

Janek Vluggen, D.O. MRO. EDO®

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